Author Topic: Unrar/Repair Progressbar  (Read 3046 times)

Offline davidq666

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Unrar/Repair Progressbar
« on: September 18, 2009, 05:11:53 pm »
If a big collection was downloaded the repairing/unraring can take a while. So u might wanna check on the progress right now the only way to do that is to change to the par2 tab. The idea would be for the progess to be shown in the connection panel obove the connections. This could be done either by one progressbar which uses the same colors as the tray-icon to indicate which process is shown or by two sperate bars one for each process.

Offline Hecks

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Re: Unrar/Repair Progressbar
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2009, 09:13:03 pm »
You can, of course, undock the PAR2 tab, resize it and overlay on the queue tab.  That's what I do when I need to see both, anyways.

Offline davidq666

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Re: Unrar/Repair Progressbar
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2009, 12:20:47 pm »
You can, of course, undock the PAR2 tab, resize it and overlay on the queue tab.  That's what I do when I need to see both, anyways.

i know but thats very "unelegant" because the new window is always in front so when i want to check on it i have to undock resize place it an afterwards minimize altbinz and the par2 window. when i want to recheck i have to open the par2 window and if i want to check on the other progress open alt.binz as a second window. with the progressbars u could check everything important with one look in the queue tab...

Offline Hecks

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Re: Unrar/Repair Progressbar
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2009, 01:13:14 pm »
This would change the meaning of "Connection panel" completely, though.  In practice, I'm not sure it would be needed that often.  In what circumstances would you regularly need to see both the queue and par2 status, in a way that doesn't involve the (much simpler than you're suggesting) undock?

Offline davidq666

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Re: Unrar/Repair Progressbar
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2009, 09:42:36 am »
This would change the meaning of "Connection panel" completely, though.  In practice, I'm not sure it would be needed that often.  In what circumstances would you regularly need to see both the queue and par2 status, in a way that doesn't involve the (much simpler than you're suggesting) undock?

yeah from connection panel to contol panel... the panel exists and in practice how often do i need check the conncections? Unless i just set/changed servers or something went wrong i hardly ever need to check them. so why not add for something that is of interest more often?

undocking is something i have used, but it is something i only use on a system with multiple monitors or maybe one with a very big screen. for me undocking only makes sence if the undocked window has a place where it doesn't need to be moved or minimized permanently or at least for a longer while. on a small laptop screen thats typicaly not the case, so when i switch to browser the "always in front" par2 tab is in the way and needs to be minimzed. also it's another window, which means that i later need to overlay it once again with the correct alt.binz-backround-window. because of the the framing a window takes up a lot more space, than a one or two line progressbar in the panel would.

Why i want to see the par2 and queue at the same time? Because the queue is where the action is! I could manage the queue(rearenging the order of the queue renaming or joining/splitting collections ect.)  and at the same time as check on all important areas of progress: RSS Import, Download, Repair/Unrar
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 09:59:10 am by davidq666 »

Offline rickydeez

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Re: Unrar/Repair Progressbar
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2009, 01:32:27 am »
how about a progressbar on the statusbar with an icon for action

[Icon][ProgressBar]   <~~~

icon would be either idle, verifying, repairing, unraring with progress bar (since there's only one active action at a time) maybe a hover tooltip for the name of which nzb/file being worked on