Author Topic: usenet-crawler integration?  (Read 3805 times)

Offline Slinky

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usenet-crawler integration?
« on: September 29, 2023, 12:52:50 pm »
been using usenet-crawler a fair bit lately, seems to be improving hand over fist since they relaunched and i was wondering a couple of things

1. password auto reading, a lot of theirs are in the nzb file, meta data? opening in notepad reveals it - any chance of integration of reading this in the auto unpack option? - i can send over an NZB if needed to use as example.

2. I think they have an API, any chance of a built in search tab ? - not sure if api access is like omgwtnzbs and based on subscriber or not, I did donate to usenet-crawler so have their BFF status, so happy to test if needed

Offline sidbib

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Re: usenet-crawler integration?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2023, 10:03:59 am »
#1 This already works for passworded rarsets.
I suspect the issue with U-C is that many of their posts are split 7z files (7z.001, 7z.002, 7z.003, etc). I don't use autounrar, but for passworded posts I can manually select "Unrar the PAR2/SFV set" after the download is finished and the password from the nzb is successfully used when it is a rarset. But when the post is a split 7z archive, telling it to Unrar instead joins the parts into one large 7z file (that is still passworded). If I select Unrar a second time (hoping the new large 7z file will be extracted) it says it failed and the large 7z file actually gets deleted.

#2 U-C is just another newznab site. It works along with all my other sites under my newznab tab. Unpaid users currently get limited api hits.
Free members have a daily limit of 50 API & 5 NZB.

Offline Slinky

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Re: usenet-crawler integration?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2023, 01:32:59 pm »

I used to not unrar at all, but then found so many from omgwtfnzbs were passworded, that i turned it on, but found i was losing sub title files when deleting after unrar, so i now have default unrar selected, no deletion of archive files after.
I have noticed some from U-C are one large file, others the more standard multiple smaller files, some only as many as 8 files though, others lots.

It's never unrar'd automatically for me though, i've had to always go to the nzb file i've downloaded to find the password.

Didn't know about the Newznab thing, just trying to set that up now, need to find the url

Offline sidbib

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Re: usenet-crawler integration?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2023, 08:50:12 pm »
For clarity I should have mentioned this in my post:

I am still running version I have not yet updated to one of the newer versions past that, so there is a possibility that my experience on is not the same as someone running the latest

Offline dh2

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Re: usenet-crawler integration?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2023, 07:01:18 pm »
Didn't know about the Newznab thing, just trying to set that up now, need to find the url

In AltBinz, to the right of the of "setup" icon on the top; to the right is an arrow pointing down, which leads to "newznab servers"

You set it up there. the url is
you find the "api key" on the UC site. If you've donated, it will be on the page where your profile is located

Offline Slinky

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Re: usenet-crawler integration?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2023, 11:55:06 am »
thanks, i was having issues, and forgot about this, all sorted now, one of the issues i was having was i put the api key in and hit the save button... but that doesn't save the api key, you have to return/enter out of the api key box for it to submit it as a server property before you hit save..... doh!

Offline Slinky

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Re: usenet-crawler integration?
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2024, 11:39:08 am »
Just a little update on this for anyone else reading/setting this up for usenet-crawler
When searching, it can be a bit tricky at times, do not put too much info in the main search criteria, for example lets say you want to search


This may return 1 or more results, or perhaps none, however, if you put this in the main criteria for example


and then in the include exclude filter box ( next to the green + symbol in the options ribbon for the selected tab, or maybe red - symbol) put


This could very well "find" more results than the initial search, and the same could be said for removing/moving the 2024 bit as well, although that could be down to the year not always being included in release titles

I do not know why this is the case, a quirk perhaps of the way usenet-crawler processes search requests using the api, who knows, but thought it was worth mentioning as i am using the filter method more and more lately with much improved results

Offline Rdl

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Re: usenet-crawler integration?
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2024, 11:43:09 am »
Filter box is "local" thing. It has nothing to do with what is sent for search or what is received. It filters (prevents displaying) of existing returned search results.

Offline Slinky

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Re: usenet-crawler integration?
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2024, 12:00:04 pm »
ok, that kind of makes sense, so it must be a usenet-crawler thing then, here's what i'm experiencing,

First search is the full name and season/episode results (makes no difference with spaces or dots between the words)....

Second image is with removing the season/episode reference and putting them in the filter box and repressing the search button (doesn't matter if search is re-pressed prior to entering the filter details or not, it finds many more results and the filter then as you said strips away those that don't match)

Offline Rdl

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Re: usenet-crawler integration?
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2024, 12:41:49 pm »
Key thing is you didn't put SxxExx in search. I would say that something is wrong with usenet crawler search.
If you put SxxExx it returns far less results that it has in its DB. However, that is out of scope of altbinz.

Offline Slinky

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Re: usenet-crawler integration?
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2024, 12:48:11 pm »
yup, figured as much, so long as the "work around" works all's good, thanks for the confirmation

.... now you see the reason behind my previous request to link the filter box to the global search.

might login later to their website and see if the same happens on internal search, i suspect not as it would have been flagged
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 12:50:52 pm by Slinky »