Any free search engine, yet voted for Binsearch. Though i agree it is hopless for searches. Try V 2009 HDTV or V.2009 HDTV none work. Need to search for V 2009 HDTV then use the + V.2009 HDTV for it to work.
Shame about Newzleech going down, that was my backup for everything binsearch couldn't find. Yet it to was a sad search engine. Then there is NZBIndex i suppose between the three when all working i find a fair percentage but never all.
I know there is the web sites to use, but am one for doing via search control tabs that Alt.Binz has got built in. Would be nice to see more, a lot more. More so for those that we can use "V 2009 HDTV (meaning find all with just those or "V.2009" for been accurate everytime.
I know i have read here that some files are numbered before the name, but say for tv episodes that number is not for all the program name, it's normaly just for that episode.
Melins portal i did go there once, javascripted, so never went back. Tough what if that search engine was on a AltBinz tab and was free to use, sure i would use that. Will use any search engine on a Alt.Binz tab that is free to use.