Author Topic: Using Stats to track how much usage per Usenet Provider  (Read 3170 times)

Offline dabrown

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Using Stats to track how much usage per Usenet Provider
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:02:39 am »
Hi rdl

Is there any way to track how much usage per Usenet provider using Stats or another method please?

I've just spend hundreds of dollars renewing subscriptions and buying more blocks during the Black Friday deals without having any real information on how much data I am using from each of my many providers, except for anecdotal evidence that the majority of stuff I download comes via Highwinds resellers.

If I could track how many bytes/kilobytes/megabytes et al I am using from each of my usenet providers, it would help me make a more informed decision on whether I might be wasting my money.  I appreciate this might require a significant amount of coding to track each provider, but it would certainly help me see where best to invest my money in the future.

It doesn't have to be on a per file basis (unless that is easier?), but a per day/week/month per provider would be more than sufficient please.

Thanks in advance.  Regards.