Author Topic: What I'm missing...  (Read 3205 times)


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What I'm missing...
« on: April 21, 2007, 04:21:34 pm »
It'd be great if the following could be added:

- descript.ion files like NewsLeecher has, they can come in handy when you want to figure out what some files are becuse the filenames say nothing

- when a part isn't found, ADD a thread to another server, and close it when it's done, in stead of using an already existing thread to switch to another server (for example, i have a fast server, and a 50kb/s [er thread backup server, if a file misses a lot of parts, speed will drop to 150kb/s (3 threads) instead of maxing out. If threads were to be added, i could continue downloading at full speed, but just with an extra connection). Also there are people that use free 15kb/s server as backup, in Alt.Binz, this can STOP your download until the server allows a connection for you.

- Download the par2 files that era really needed instead of downloading them in order; i just had a file missing 2 blocks, then i saw alt.binz downloading a 1 block par2 file, and then a 2 block, where it'd be better to just take the 2 blocks alone. In extreme cases, this may cost you like 50MB of useless bandwidth.

- Option to add small files to the beginning of the list. (Best would be to add them to the beginning of their "section", the thing with the + before it, so small files would come exactly undet that).

- Extended server priorities; If server 1 doesn't have it, use server 2, if 2 doesn't have it use 3, if 3 doesn't have it... etc.
The best thing you can reach now is set all your backup server under your main server, and this usually isn't the optimal setup.

- There's a bug that sometimes files aren't being decoded (they're just sitting in de download queue saying "Decoding". If you then close Alt.Binz and restart it, your entire queue is gone :( .

Thanks for reading :) .

Offline Rdl

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Re: What I'm missing...
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2007, 02:15:41 pm »
Quote from: "Martijn"
It'd be great if the following could be added:

- Download the par2 files that era really needed instead of downloading them in order; i just had a file missing 2 blocks, then i saw alt.binz downloading a 1 block par2 file, and then a 2 block, where it'd be better to just take the 2 blocks alone. In extreme cases, this may cost you like 50MB of useless bandwidth.

I would like to see the log for that case. Alt.Binz should unpause exact number of needed blocks (files with larger number of blocks are preffered)

Quote from: "Martijn"
- There's a bug that sometimes files aren't being decoded (they're just sitting in de download queue saying "Decoding". If you then close Alt.Binz and restart it, your entire queue is gone :( .

Fixed long time ago (not available in public version)


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Re: What I'm missing...
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2007, 10:29:59 pm »
Quote from: "Rdl"
I would like to see the log for that case. Alt.Binz should unpause exact number of needed blocks (files with larger number of blocks are preffered)

Just had a look at the log, and I saw that there were two +1 files, not a +1 and a +2, my bad.

Quote from: "Rdl"
Fixed long time ago (not available in public version)

Fount it :) .