For those of us suffering from third world broadband in the first world, here's some information on block providers. I usually buy in qtys of 90-100G which lasts me a year, I'm on an 8mbit nternet plan with 20GB/month download quota which costs me AUD$50/mth.
Astraweb - days retention, 20-50 connection limit
Unlimited $10/Month
Unlimited DSL $15/Month
Unlimited DSL 3 $39/3 Months
25 GB $10
90 GB $25
Review: Excellent quality provider. Always full speed. Great retention for a low cost provider.
Usenet-News - days retention, 20 connection limit (sometimes reduced to 10)
2 GB $ 2.00 1.00 USD/GB
5 GB $ 3.00 0.60 USD/GB
10 GB $ 5.00 0.50 USD/GB
20 GB $ 8.00 0.40 USD/GB
30 GB $ 10.00 0.33 USD/GB
50 GB $ 15.00 0.30 USD/GB
100 GB $ 24.00 0.24 USD/GB
200 GB $ 46.00 0.23 USD/GB
300 GB $ 66.00 0.22 USD/GB
Review: Can be slow at peak times, but a good low cost provider and maxes an 8mbit connection most of the time.