Author Topic: Astraweb Vs. Newshosting?  (Read 9427 times)

Offline WarezMyGF

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Astraweb Vs. Newshosting?
« on: January 09, 2009, 09:40:38 pm »
I have been using Giganews for years but $25/month is a bit much. They also harass uploaders too. One would figure with that price you would also get protection. They also remove parts of files for HBO releases.

Astraweb will be moving to 270 days of retention for $13/month (If you purchase in 3 month segments). Also, Newshosting will be offering 250 days of retention but for $20/month.

Now the question is which to choose from. I know newshosting is great, so I would switch to them at the very least to save $5. However, how is astraweb in terms of speeds in north america? Would they max out a 20Mbit line? Has Astraweb had any downtime recently?


Offline Hecks

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Re: Astraweb Vs. Newshosting?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2009, 10:55:15 pm »
The Astraweb deal linked in this thread ($11/month unlimited, SSL & 20 connections) still seems to be available:

You can't do any better than that (the equivalent of Giganews Diamond @ $29.99).  Astraweb is very reliable as a rule.  Why not just try it for a month?  The cheapest block account is $10 for unlimited & 50 connections.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 10:59:07 pm by Hecks »

Offline scarney

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Re: Astraweb Vs. Newshosting?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2009, 11:46:02 pm »
i have never used newshosting, but i have used giganews. the price was just too high. so i moved onto astraweb 6 months ago and have been very pleased with the service. i was on the 3month/$39 plan. just moved to the $11 month plan. same features as the previous 3month/$39 plan but $6 brainer! the only thing i dont like is having another monthly payment to keep track of. as far as maxing your 20Mbit conn i would guess it will. i am on a 6Mbit conn and it max's out with ease. no down time so far.
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