Author Topic: Easynews - any opinions  (Read 6916 times)


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Easynews - any opinions
« on: August 10, 2008, 04:49:39 am »
I've used Easynews for quite some time.  THey have 165 day retention (going to 200 in Sept) at their top level, which is $24.95.  They also have rollover usage.  I'm finding though, that with NZB, the files are just not there in the groups.  Just wondering if anyone else uses them and what you're finding. ???

Offline Rdl

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Re: Easynews - any opinions
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2008, 10:54:06 am »
I've used Easynews for quite some time.  THey have 165 day retention (going to 200 in Sept) at their top level, which is $24.95.  They also have rollover usage.  I'm finding though, that with NZB, the files are just not there in the groups.  Just wondering if anyone else uses them and what you're finding. ???

Easynews is a specific news provider. They have web access to groups and there their current retention is 165 days. They also offere nntp access (where alt.binz could be used) but last time I checked their retention on their nntp server was around 14 days. IMHO if you need web access ( ie you like to watch pictures... :) ) they are the best. But if you are heavy downloader their prices and monthly limits put them at the bottom of favorable Usenet providers.

Offline Mononol

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Re: Easynews - any opinions
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2008, 09:31:44 am »


i am easynews user, never had a downtime since ive been there (which is over 10 years with sime times i unsubed there), the great thing is that it has rollover gigs and the even greater thing is that when u unsubscribe there, (trying other providers ect..) and you come back with the same username, u still have your old gig bank! (great feature)

im a basic user (cant afford the bigger ones...) altbinz + EN + "censored" = Usenet is fun! ;D

have a good day all!


I've used Easynews for quite some time.  THey have 165 day retention (going to 200 in Sept) at their top level, which is $24.95.  They also have rollover usage.  I'm finding though, that with NZB, the files are just not there in the groups.  Just wondering if anyone else uses them and what you're finding. ???

Easynews is a specific news provider. They have web access to groups and there their current retention is 165 days. They also offere nntp access (where alt.binz could be used) but last time I checked their retention on their nntp server was around 14 days. IMHO if you need web access ( ie you like to watch pictures... :) ) they are the best. But if you are heavy downloader their prices and monthly limits put them at the bottom of favorable Usenet providers.