Alt.Binz forum

Usenet (English) => Usenet providers => Topic started by: davidq666 on February 07, 2008, 09:51:48 am

Title: Good Provider Overview
Post by: davidq666 on February 07, 2008, 09:51:48 am
is not exactly a provider but might be of interest since it's a good way to compare different providers:

It's in German but it' s a chart so you' ll understand the important stuff anyways....

Blockaccounts: (

Flatrate-accounts: (
Title: Re: Good Provider Overview
Post by: Sucker76 on December 20, 2008, 04:03:26 pm
The overview ist really good.
My personal expirience:
aEton: speed is guaranted, but expensive. Truely reliably.
Astraweb: speed is  unbelievably, 9€ <-> 11$/month, only credit card, login is limited to unique IP, but sharing is just a question of arrangement ;-)

Hope this is usefull :-D
