Alt.Binz forum

Usenet (English) => Usenet providers => Topic started by: dacaid on February 06, 2008, 11:16:59 pm

Post by: dacaid on February 06, 2008, 11:16:59 pm
Ok, i open fire on that brand new section with my favourite (and.. well...the first and only i subscribed^^)


€ 0,00  3 days free unlimited access to all news groups
€ 1,50  2 days unlimited access to all news groups
€ 2,95  1 week unlimited access to all news groups
€ 3,95  2 weeks unlimited access to all news groups
€ 7,50  1 month unlimited access to all news groups
€18,50  3 months unlimited access to all news groups
€36,00  6 months unlimited access to all news groups (

Pay with paypal
Excellent speed (use my max 3 MB/s)
No recurring fees. No need to unsubscribe

They say nearly 100 days retention... i even DLed files posted 120 days ago, but you re only sure to find 60 days files max.. older is luck
[update] looks like retention is getting better and better, 100 to 120 days sometimes

8 threads with account sharing (i use 4 threads at work and 4 at home)
Free SSL
Always giving feedbacks by mail if few hours down (getting rare)

nothing to say about support, i never had to deal with, so feel free to give your feedback on that topic
Title: Headers
Post by: davidq666 on March 11, 2008, 11:40:44 am
Hitnews is one of the few providers supporting XPAT, which in fact gives somthing quite simular to header download. it does only work with one group at the time but it works. use the space bar to get (nearly) all posts in the newsgroup.
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: dacaid on March 11, 2008, 06:57:28 pm

Thx for the trick davidq666, i tried with a dot, i think i get even more than with a space.

So far i bought 6 more months... and still pleased of it
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: davidq666 on March 11, 2008, 09:43:06 pm
Just as an info from an other thread:

why r u guys not using the build-in xpat search? by puting in a space u get (nearly?) all posts of a specific newsgroup. ok you can only browse one group at the time and when u changed groups you have to do the search again, but if you limit ur search to the last 1000-10000 posts it's quick enough. by the way hitnews is one of the suposed rare providers supporting it.

Correct way would be to use wildcard and search for * . That way you'll get all posts. All providers I've used/am using have xpat... xlned, hitnews, easynews, newshosting. The only one I'm sure doesn't support xpat is giganews.

he means wildmat...
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: RichardJ on April 01, 2008, 05:47:26 pm
Good newsgroup provider, retention could be a bit better perhaps. Really like the SSL and the port 80 option.

They updated their prices, 1 month costs 7,50 Euro. Due to transaction costs.
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: Amphetamine on May 20, 2008, 06:44:26 pm
Been using Hitnews for a few weeks now, very happy with them. Luckily they sent out a promo email on the 2nd day of my free trial to get 3 months for €13, which really is cheap for what you're getting.

Their support is good. Very quick to get back to you and they seem to work until quite late in the evening.
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: davidq666 on May 21, 2008, 07:56:33 am
yea i am quite happy with them aswell only the retention still sucks a bit that's why i will get a backup 100 GB block with 120 days retention which doesn't expire form  (
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: ezzzy on August 04, 2008, 12:16:30 am
i been with them  over a week now stable 20 meg download seems good so far!
i also got a block account with astraweb for back up.

Hitnews £6 month uk money good value and ssl
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: RichardJ on August 04, 2008, 11:59:03 am
Not long ago I downloaded a post from boneless which was 112 days old, so the retention is getting better  ;D
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: davidq666 on August 05, 2008, 07:28:14 am
yeah retention is rising i've downloaded two 130 day and one 135 day with no problems... the error quota was always smaller than 5 %
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: dacaid on August 07, 2008, 03:42:58 pm
I noticed that too.

Thx for your feedbacks, updated a bit the topic
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: brianiscool on August 23, 2008, 03:58:05 pm
This is the best deal I think. I signed up for 2 years. Cost me $200
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: Jesus on August 25, 2008, 12:09:06 am
Hitnews is not a good provider for posting.
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: davidq666 on August 25, 2008, 10:49:01 am
why is that so? i remember they recently added an extra posting server that supports ssl encryption.
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: Hellster on August 25, 2008, 10:51:43 am
I've heard nothing but issues about posting through them , so good luck :)
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: RichardJ on August 25, 2008, 03:28:46 pm
I post regularly and have no issues. Sometimes 1 or 2 people get the post damaged but 99% of the people has no problems with my uploads. Hitnews is fine for up and downloading, that's what I experience.
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: davidq666 on September 05, 2008, 01:46:25 pm
hitnews doesn't create any new accounts for Non-Netherland customers... if you have an account you can still add new suscripton time with the old prices...

new prices for foreign user come to 12,50 € without SSL 15 with. also the new name of the froeign-provider is xennews...
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: dacaid on September 06, 2008, 10:37:19 pm
That would be a very sad news...
I see that is part of VTmedia, as hitnews is..
But this is a major raise (x2)

How did you get that info?
Are you sure that won't accept any new foreign subscriptions?
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: davidq666 on September 07, 2008, 01:51:19 pm (

...You’ve been redirected to this page because Hitnews.EU no longer supports international customers. We’d like to explain ourselves.

The reason is actually very simple and involves, as always, money. International traffic is very expensive. We didn’t realize this when we started but it turned out our international customers were actually costing us money.
So we had to do something about this. One option was to just block all international traffic and continue as a dutch provider. But we wanted to keep our loyal international customers satisfied so we set up the website you’re on right now: Xennews.Com.

There’s really no great way to say this so here goes: Yes, Xennews.Com is more expensive than Hitnews.EU. We still think we offer good value for money though. We’ve changed some things to make the service even better:

20 Connections offers 20 connections for each account. This will improve the speed drastically for some users.

120 days retention
We’ve upped the retention a bit. Because of the new pricing we are now able to invest in more retention and a better service. The first 20 days extra are already set up and we will keep investing to make sure we can offer you the best.

Existing Hitnews.EU customers
If you have an active account at Hitnews.EU and you ended up here you can log in with your existing username and password at Your account has been transfered including any time you had left.
Please change the server from into

We know that however we say this, it isn’t ideal for you. We can only ask for your understanding.

Best regards,
Xennews.Com Team...
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: dacaid on September 08, 2008, 11:03:03 am
I dont know what "international" means for them.
I'm not redirected to xennews (from france)
And i just set up 6 more months
*cross fingers*
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: davidq666 on September 08, 2008, 12:42:32 pm
...Existing Hitnews.EU customers
If you have an active account at Hitnews.EU and you ended up here you can log in with your existing username and password at Your account has been transfered including any time you had left. ...

i know if you log in you can still order more time but if you try ordering new you should get to the linked page... first step is accepting no new ones and then stopping renewals last step will be that all international (outside Netherlands) customers will been moved to xennews taking the time left with them...

basicaly now is the time to order an other 2 year account if you can afford it... i could only afford the 6 months aswell
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: mysteryman on September 13, 2008, 07:58:22 am
Looks like the guy who locked himself in for 2 years got a deal. I'm currently letting my time run out, and switching... They used to be the greatest bargain in usenet. However, if you are not local ... they just set up a new sister-service which will hopefully die a very quick death, and return to normal.

When you go to login, or sign up from the usa (maybe other countries), you will be redirected to which is over 2x the cost. (monthly from 7.50 eu(10.65usd), now 12.50 eu(15.12), old quarterly was 18.50 eu(26.27usd), now is 35 eu(49.71usd). This means, even at the quarterly rate, they are charging 16.57/mo (oddly, more than their monthly rate). These new price, although more than TWICE as much, now include less service... you need to pay an ADDITIONAL 2.50eu for ssl per month!!!!

They have gone from bargain prices to as much, or more than competition, while only delivering marginally better service (in some cases worse). For 15 dollars you have your pick of a dozen us providers, most of them right on par with hitnews, retention within a few days, better speed, some with ssl... for instance, Astraweb is running a sale for 10/mo for life... I'm thinking of switching over given the new pricing.

Hitnews... you have lost at least a dozen customers I know of. I hope you are happy with your soon to be shrinking income... even AT double the price.

EDIT: I just noticed there was a page2... you guys already knew about xennews, but my rant is equally ranty none the less. :) ... and I have also sent a firmly written email to them letting them know I plan on leaving, and EXACTLY why i plan on leaving. I would strongly suggest EVERYBODY does, even if you havn't fully decided to leave them. If they receive enough emails, they JUST MIGHT turn things around... or at least put the prices a few bucks less. the us-> eur conversion sucks
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: noons on September 14, 2008, 10:51:49 pm
Realistically I NEVER expected those prices to last. You can expect them to keep a service going that was costing themselves money which ended up exactly what was happening. Why do you think the average cost of a news provider is 15+ ??
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: vhanymick on September 19, 2008, 01:45:28 am
Looks like the guy who locked himself in for 2 years got a deal. I'm currently letting my time run out, and switching... They used to be the greatest bargain in usenet. However, if you are not local ... they just set up a new sister-service which will hopefully die a very quick death, and return to normal.

When you go to login, or sign up from the usa (maybe other countries), you will be redirected to which is over 2x the cost. (monthly from 7.50 eu(10.65usd), now 12.50 eu(15.12), old quarterly was 18.50 eu(26.27usd), now is 35 eu(49.71usd). This means, even at the quarterly rate, they are charging 16.57/mo (oddly, more than their monthly rate). These new price, although more than TWICE as much, now include less service... you need to pay an ADDITIONAL 2.50eu for ssl per month!!!!

They have gone from bargain prices to as much, or more than competition, while only delivering marginally better service (in some cases worse). For 15 dollars you have your pick of a dozen us providers, most of them right on par with hitnews, retention within a few days, better speed, some with ssl... for instance, Astraweb is running a sale for 10/mo for life... I'm thinking of switching over given the new pricing.

Hitnews... you have lost at least a dozen customers I know of. I hope you are happy with your soon to be shrinking income... even AT double the price.

EDIT: I just noticed there was a page2... you guys already knew about xennews, but my rant is equally ranty none the less. :) ... and I have also sent a firmly written email to them letting them know I plan on leaving, and EXACTLY why i plan on leaving. I would strongly suggest EVERYBODY does, even if you havn't fully decided to leave them. If they receive enough emails, they JUST MIGHT turn things around... or at least put the prices a few bucks less. the us-> eur conversion sucks

a promotion for astraweb
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: steve51184 on September 21, 2008, 07:02:18 am
been with hitnews for many many months and i challenge anyone to get unlimited usenet with ssl and speeds upto 30mbits with retention at about 100-120+ days for only 7.50 euros UNBEATABLE
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: mysteryman on September 21, 2008, 09:51:44 am
been with hitnews for many many months and i challenge anyone to get unlimited usenet with ssl and speeds upto 30mbits with retention at about 100-120+ days for only 7.50 euros UNBEATABLE

I believe you missed out where the price has been nearly doubled recently. The new monthly price WAS 7.50eur ($10.84)... now it is 12.50eur ($18.07). For only 15 dollars you can get unlimited astraweb with 157days and ssl. So...before, yes, thats why I used to be with them; now... no.

Also, to the post immediately above you pointed out a sale on astraweb. The sale is for $11/mo for the lifetime of the account. I believe this sale used to be for 9.99 but was raised. This meets or beats the old price, and both obliterate the new one. All while giving higher retention, as well as dual servers (us, eu) which also helps for completion. (occasionally I pick up stuff on eu server that are missing on us server)

That being said, I have 4 months left on my current account, and plan on riding it out till then. Hopefully they will regain their senses, for only a few bucks more, someone can buy giganews, which much higher retention.
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: RichardJ on September 21, 2008, 10:02:31 am
The higher price is only for people outside The Netherlands, so I still pay 7,50 Euro per month.
Xennews is for non Dutchies, Hitnews for Dutchies. Personally I think there must be a new Xennews thread as they have splitted business.
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: steve51184 on September 21, 2008, 10:11:34 am
been with hitnews for many many months and i challenge anyone to get unlimited usenet with ssl and speeds upto 30mbits with retention at about 100-120+ days for only 7.50 euros UNBEATABLE

I believe you missed out where the price has been nearly doubled recently. The new monthly price WAS 7.50eur ($10.84)... now it is 12.50eur ($18.07). For only 15 dollars you can get unlimited astraweb with 157days and ssl. So...before, yes, thats why I used to be with them; now... no.

that is only for people outside The Netherlands so for most people 7.50 euros ($10.81) is still the best price out there

been with hitnews for many many months and i challenge anyone to get unlimited usenet with ssl and speeds upto 30mbits with retention at about 100-120+ days for only 7.50 euros UNBEATABLE
Also, to the post immediately above you pointed out a sale on astraweb. The sale is for $11/mo for the lifetime of the account. I believe this sale used to be for 9.99 but was raised. This meets or beats the old price, and both obliterate the new one. All while giving higher retention, as well as dual servers (us, eu) which also helps for completion. (occasionally I pick up stuff on eu server that are missing on us server)

that is a sale for a limited time only and will only remain active IF you never miss a month so i don't really count that

plus hitnews is $10.81 and this is $11 so the 0.19c isn't really worth it
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: mysteryman on September 21, 2008, 10:23:50 am
yes, i suppose for anyone local to hitnews still gets a good deal... but for... every other country in the world... not so much. And about the 'not miss a month' thing... I try to pay my bills early rather than late ;-)
Title: Re: Hitnews
Post by: steve51184 on September 21, 2008, 10:27:20 am
yes but that means you have to pay for it every month without fail or you lose that deal

anyway like i said it can't be beat (without a sale/trial offer)
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: brianiscool on September 28, 2008, 11:32:39 pm
I signed up six months back before they changed to Netherlands only. Luckily I paid for 2 years of service and was switched to a USA server : )
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: domdom on October 08, 2008, 11:55:22 pm
It seems to be depending on your ISP, from where I am I was able to logon to the original Hitnews page ... and renew for 6 months  ;D (lets see how it goes), but from the office, when I tried to login, I ended up on Xennews ...
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: dacaid on October 09, 2008, 01:10:21 pm
Received that mail 2 days ago :

Dear dacaid,

It's been a while since we've sent an email but don't worry, we've really
been busy!
We want to be different from other providers and now we have this unique
and permanent offer!

Nighttime Accounts
These new, unique accounts are valid from 0:00 midnight until 12:00 in the
During these hours you get everything we offer with our standard
- Speed up to 30Mbit/sec
- 8 connections

Outside these hours the accounts stay active but the speed will be
throttled to 1 Mbit/sec. This means you don't have to wait for your account
to become active, the speed will automatically increase at midnight.

We will offer the nighttime-accounts at these permanent low prices:
Nighttime Account - 1 Month - EUR 4,75
Nighttime Account - 1 Year - EUR 52,50

We hope you will enjoy these new hitnews-accounts.

If you have any questions, remarks or suggestions please email us at

Best regards,


Quite a good idea... i dont know if this offer is NL only
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: domdom on October 09, 2008, 01:16:31 pm
I got this email too ... not in NL but it seems that I am not yet seen as "International customer"  ;D

but then there was this Xennews story and I forgot about it  :-\
They are probably trying to balance their traffic, good idea ...
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: steve51184 on October 09, 2008, 08:35:19 pm
yes hitnews (well Xennews should i say) it now (in usd) $17 a month and is no longer the best price and is probably one of the best now @ $15 but there are LOADS at $15

i want my $10 usenet back :(
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: domdom on October 09, 2008, 08:44:02 pm
Before being able to extend my subscription, I asked a question to Astraweb and the response was professional and their €11 package (limited offer) per month seems interesting ... my 2c
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: steve51184 on October 09, 2008, 11:28:11 pm
so who is the best provider now as i sometimes miss a month so Astraweb isn't really an option for me
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: Hecks on October 09, 2008, 11:30:07 pm
Before being able to extend my subscription, I asked a question to Astraweb and the response was professional and their €11 package (limited offer) per month seems interesting ... my 2c

Allow me to join you happily in the hijacking of this thread by pointing out that the Astraweb offer is actually $11 (dollars) only ... if you're feeling in a supportive mood, why not click on the ad @ and support the site we get so much from for free. That's what I did.  :)

Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: RichardJ on July 14, 2009, 05:10:07 pm
Hitnews improved nice.
Now I'm running a 60Mbit connection. getting 6,6MB/s  ;D

Standaard accounts
24 uur per dag onbeperkt downloaden
Snelheid    Connecties    Maand €    Kwartaal €    Half jaar €    1 jaar €    2 jaar €
2.5 mbit    2              2,95    8,45            15,95    26,95    49,95
5 mbit    4              4,95    13,95    26,95*    44,95    84,95
10 mbit    8              5,95    16,95    31,95    53,95    99,95
20 mbit    8              6,95    17,95    34,95    67,95    114,95
30 mbit    8              7,50*    18,50*    36,00    69,00    120,00
40 mbit    12              7,95    21,50    42,50    84,95*    169,95
60 mbit    12              9,95    28,95    55,95    105,95    200,00
120 mbit    12            16,95    48,95    96,95    189,95    379,95
* Populaire accounts

Snelheid    Connecties    48 uur €    1 week €    2 weken €
30 mbit    8              1,50    2,95             3,95
Nacht accounts
Downloaden van 00.00 uur ’s nachts tot 12.00 uur ’s middags op 30Mbit
Buiten deze tijden is downloaden mogelijk op 1Mbit
€   4,75 voor 1 maand         € 52,50 voor 12 maanden

Retention is up to 200 days  ;D

EDIT: markup looks good on my screen, at the forum it's still displaced. weird table tags don't make any difference
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: membrax on December 02, 2009, 08:36:44 am
Hello all,
Depending of your ISP you are or are not redirected to XenNews ...
If your provider owns a "direct line" to netherlands you can still use the original Hitnews. My ISP is, and it works fine.
But if I connect thru Orange, redirected, and no connection to the servers :)
So ... the best way to know is to try to connect to : if you are redirected, forget it. If not, you can subscribe and enjoy !
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: betaflye on June 03, 2010, 04:27:15 pm
I'm in Canada and can access hitnews both via HTTP and NNTP, probably depends on if your ISP has the same peers as they do.
Title: Re: Hitnews (NETHERLANDS ONLY)
Post by: davidq666 on September 12, 2010, 02:10:52 pm
hitnews has given up on blocking non-netherland users i have heard. no more redirecting to xennews... also they anonced to raise theire retention over time to at least 1000 days