Looks like the guy who locked himself in for 2 years got a deal. I'm currently letting my time run out, and switching... They used to be the greatest bargain in usenet. However, if you are not local ... they just set up a new sister-service which will hopefully die a very quick death, and return to normal.
When you go to login, or sign up from the usa (maybe other countries), you will be redirected to xennews.com which is over 2x the cost. (monthly from 7.50 eu(10.65usd), now 12.50 eu(15.12), old quarterly was 18.50 eu(26.27usd), now is 35 eu(49.71usd). This means, even at the quarterly rate, they are charging 16.57/mo (oddly, more than their monthly rate). These new price, although more than TWICE as much, now include less service... you need to pay an ADDITIONAL 2.50eu for ssl per month!!!!
They have gone from bargain prices to as much, or more than competition, while only delivering marginally better service (in some cases worse). For 15 dollars you have your pick of a dozen us providers, most of them right on par with hitnews, retention within a few days, better speed, some with ssl... for instance, Astraweb is running a sale for 10/mo for life... I'm thinking of switching over given the new pricing.
Hitnews... you have lost at least a dozen customers I know of. I hope you are happy with your soon to be shrinking income... even AT double the price.
EDIT: I just noticed there was a page2... you guys already knew about xennews, but my rant is equally ranty none the less.

... and I have also sent a firmly written email to them letting them know I plan on leaving, and EXACTLY why i plan on leaving. I would strongly suggest EVERYBODY does, even if you havn't fully decided to leave them. If they receive enough emails, they JUST MIGHT turn things around... or at least put the prices a few bucks less. the us-> eur conversion sucks