[2024-02-23] Alt.Binz[2024-12-16] Alt.Binz[2024-10-07] Alt.Binz
Which provider is it? Anyway, one way or another, they will all need to comply with the stupid DMCA. Maybe they won't right now, but any news provider will be threatened if they do not, sooner or later, unfortunately.
I was using sunnyusenet but they removed paypal and cc so i had to move :Sbut i found a new provider which i think is good.Code: [Select]https://www.thecubenet.com/
There is at least one provider that isn't hit by DMCA takedowns.Keep looking...
Quote from: CandyFace on October 14, 2012, 11:06:47 pmI was using sunnyusenet but they removed paypal and cc so i had to move :Sbut i found a new provider which i think is good.Code: [Select]https://www.thecubenet.com/Seems like they're a Highwinds reseller so they'll definitely be hit by DCMAs. Although like DariusIII said above, every provider will be effected. I'm just trying to find one that is slower to respond to takedowns..
Well.. there was. It was TweakNews.eu and they started taking down articles today
You need to look for "sfkfbdsfyweufbds" which is then the movie you are looking for. Search for boards or usenet groups that tell you what is behind headers such as "sfkfbdsfyweufbds" and you can use any usenet provider, even Astra.