Alt.Binz forum

Usenet (English) => Usenet providers => Topic started by: just-crosby on July 24, 2009, 11:07:23 pm

Title: NewsDemon Coupon Code
Post by: just-crosby on July 24, 2009, 11:07:23 pm
Hey guys I found this offer via Google.

Not sure if anyone  has seen this offer , thought I would post the info just in case.

"Thanks to NewsDemon for providing NGR visitors with 35% off all monthly Usenet plans for the life of the account.

The discount is recurring so enjoy 35% savings month after month!

With the 35% discount you can enjoy NewsDemon's best account which includes SSL, 20 connections and a free copy of NewsRover for only $14.95 a month.

NewsDemon Coupon Code: no longer needed"

Code: [Select]