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Usenet (English) => Usenet providers => Topic started by: Darth Tyranus on March 16, 2009, 05:32:52 pm

Title: The best news server to post?
Post by: Darth Tyranus on March 16, 2009, 05:32:52 pm
Hi my friends!  ;)

I would like to know the best news server to post.

Surely there is some better than others, which propagate much better publications?

What are the best in this regard?

A greeting.
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: WarezMyGF on April 22, 2009, 01:30:16 am
Seems to be Astraweb block account. Just pay once and don't DL.
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Hellster on April 22, 2009, 01:57:50 am
+1 for Astraweb block account recommendation :)
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Darth Tyranus on April 22, 2009, 01:14:03 pm
... But is Astraweb the Usenet Server to propagate the publication?
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Hellster on April 22, 2009, 02:26:44 pm
Doesn't matter which server you post from , the post will spread to all news servers.
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Darth Tyranus on April 23, 2009, 12:53:27 pm
... then is the same post from Astraweb from Giganews? I think not. I have my doubts about it.
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: davidq666 on April 23, 2009, 01:08:18 pm
the different servers in usenet are connected and mirror the content of the others so yes a post made through any decent usenet server is within a couple of minutes/hours on all the other servers... so the "new" content is everywhere the same the difference between different provider only shows with older post and the completness of posts.
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Watcher on April 23, 2009, 01:55:13 pm
In my experience, posting from AstraWeb isn't the same as posting via GigaNews.

The last time I checked, AstraWeb was set up to think large articles are spam. For binary posts, large article sizes (but under 1MB) are more efficient than smaller article sizes (think 7500 yEnc lines instead of 2500 yEnc lines). GigaNews as the other premium NSP's handled articles up to 4MB just fine (but smaller servers only safely propagated articles up to 1MB in size). AstraWeb also used to sometimes think you were spamming if you posted too fast.

Someone with AstraWeb can easily test this by doing a test post to alt.binaries.test using yEncPowerPost A&A v11b ( ) configured to use 7500 yenc lines per article. If it passes the large article test and doesn't think you're spamming at your posting speed, I don't remember any other problems.

Another area where GigaNews excels is it can handle speeds up through at least 100mbit just fine, whereas some of the others begin to corrupt articles if you post too fast. At 5mbps or slower upstream, it isn't going to matter which one you use.

One knock against GigaNews is on rare occasions, it'll stop propagating articles posted on their server. So people on GigaNews will begin the regular chant about how they get what they pay for when in reality, it's GigaNews creating the problem for everyone else.

OctaNews was another block account server that had no problems with large articles, but didn't handle 100mbit very well. However, I think if you don't already have an account, you can't get one. is yet another, and you can get a block for as little as $2. They have no problem with large articles, and don't appear to corrupt posts. Still, since they're all relatively cheap, if you're doing a lot of posting, there's no harm to having more than one, as they all have minor problems from time to time (including GigaNews).

Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Darth Tyranus on April 23, 2009, 03:30:55 pm

OctaNews was another block account server that had no problems with large articles, but didn't handle 100mbit very well. However, I think if you don't already have an account, you can't get one.

I have been writing to Mike of Octanews to me by allowing me to post in his server and He has not responded to any of the many messages that I have left. Is there any other way to contact him to enable the post?
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Watcher on April 23, 2009, 03:42:09 pm
I have been writing to Mike of Octanews to me by allowing me to post in his server and He has not responded to any of the many messages that I have left. Is there any other way to contact him to enable the post?

Not that I'm aware of. All signs are that he has basically given up on running a premium NSP. However, he (basically) keeps it running for the people that are already customers rather than just dump them off. I'v'e actually seen people sell/trade posting-enabled accounts. It's a shame, really. He provided top notch service when he was into it, but just couldn't compete with the retention of the big boys.

Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Hellster on April 23, 2009, 03:49:58 pm
Astraweb handles 100mbit no problem if you have it spread across enough posting threads.
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Watcher on April 23, 2009, 04:08:13 pm
Good to know. Are you able to test yEnc article size of 7500 lines (about 960MB)?
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Hellster on April 23, 2009, 05:02:47 pm
when i have a remote dedicated server we used to use 3000 lines per part and it posted no problem.
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: cr4zyfr4g on April 23, 2009, 05:11:51 pm
i am posting with 6000 lines at 100mbit and no problems there, i have been posting at 3000 lines before and there is absolutly o difference in speed and or completeness.

Overall Speed to Astra is better than to giga too (tested with a 1 gigabit box) and don't le me get started on giga banning you for posting ....
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: pilotsnipes on April 24, 2009, 01:21:03 pm
In my experience, posting from AstraWeb isn't the same as posting via GigaNews.

The last time I checked, AstraWeb was set up to think large articles are spam. For binary posts, large article sizes (but under 1MB) are more efficient than smaller article sizes (think 7500 yEnc lines instead of 2500 yEnc lines). GigaNews as the other premium NSP's handled articles up to 4MB just fine (but smaller servers only safely propagated articles up to 1MB in size). AstraWeb also used to sometimes think you were spamming if you posted too fast.

Someone with AstraWeb can easily test this by doing a test post to alt.binaries.test using yEncPowerPost A&A v11b ( ) configured to use 7500 yenc lines per article. If it passes the large article test and doesn't think you're spamming at your posting speed, I don't remember any other problems.

No offence intended....but that's clap trap.

Which leads to:
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Jesus on April 24, 2009, 06:26:58 pm
Octanews corrupts posts such as Newzbin ID rzqbe file .r07
Title: Re: The best news server to post?
Post by: Darth Tyranus on April 24, 2009, 07:54:31 pm
Octanews is in itself a shame that Mike is not responsible for the revitalization.